For a long time, OmniWeb & eBay had a rocky relationship. Then, magically, things got better -- eBay behaved well, especially with OmniWeb spoofing as Firefox.
It appears the ever-evolving eBay beast no longer likes OmniWeb 5.10.3 or the latest 5.11 sneaky peek. "Save Search" and the search results sort menu do nothing at all.
I set site prefs from OmniWeb to Safari to Firefox with no success.
-- Ward
[submitted as formal feedback]
It appears the ever-evolving eBay beast no longer likes OmniWeb 5.10.3 or the latest 5.11 sneaky peek. "Save Search" and the search results sort menu do nothing at all.
I set site prefs from OmniWeb to Safari to Firefox with no success.
-- Ward
[submitted as formal feedback]