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Manage Templates in Lion? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I can't find where to manage templates for OmniGraffle (v5.3.2) using Lion (OS X 10.1.7).

In previous versions of OS X the templates could be found somewhere like this:
USER ID > Library > Application Support > OmniGroup > Templates

Now it seems Lion is hiding that folder structure and I'm not able to find the templates... even Spotlight won't show them. And OmniGraffle doesn't seem to provide functionality to add, remove, replace templates via their Template Chooser.

Has anyone found them and/or found a way to manage their templates given the above?

There are two things going on here:
  1. Lion hides the Library folder
  2. Omni has changed the location of the OmniGraffle support files

I'm not yet a Lion user, but I understand that if you hold down the option key while clicking on the Finder's Go menu, the Library will appear as an option.

As of OG 5.3, the support files are in a slightly different location. Here's the relevant snippet from the release notes:

The shared support folder for custom OmniGraffle stencils, diagram styles, templates, and shapes has moved to $HOME/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle to conform with Mac App Store guidelines.

So after you go to the Library folder, you'll drill down into Application Support, The Omni Group, OmniGraffle, and there you'll find the Templates folder (the Scripts and Stencils folders also live there, of course).
Thanks whpalmer4 for the reply.

I do have a $Home > Library > Application Support > Omni Group folder, however there is only a single "Software Licenses" folder within it and nothing for OmniGraffle, Templates or the like.

And pressing the "option" key doesn't seem to give me anything more or less (although I'm not sure I'm executing that properly.)

Any other ideas?
Read my message more carefully: the directory name is "The Omni Group". The old directory was "Omni Group" but it has been replaced. I would not delete it, however, unless someone from Omni instructs you to do so.

Perhaps the picture in the following article will help with the Library folder issue:
Yes, I noticed that new directory name, but at the time it still wasn't visible... However the pictures in the article did help me "turn on" those hidden folders and now I am successfully able to access that directory structure.

So problem solved; many thanks!!!

the $HOME notation refers to your home directory, not the very top level of the boot disk. There is (still) a /Library/Application Support/Omni Group/ folder in the top level of the disk which contains the software licenses folder (which is unchanged). I think perhaps you ended up going there on the first attempt. The licenses are usually a per-computer item, so they don't get put in an individual user's home directory, unlike the stencils, templates, and other things.

Glad to hear it's all squared away, even though I've never touched a machine running Lion :-)

I have access to my templates folder in ~/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle/Templates

But none of the templates (created on my previous Mac and tranferred via Migration Assistant) is visible in OmniGraffle, when chosing a template from File-TemplateChoser (ok, in German it's more or less sth. like this)

I also can't add new templates from File-New Ressource-Template

Please help!

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