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I've used OmniGraffle for years. The Pro version at least since 2003.
I never upgraded to version 5 though, hence my questions.
If I purchase version 5.4, will I get a free upgrade to version 6? Or should I just wait until version 6 is released?
I ask given that for other Omni software (e.g., Outliner) the free upgrades and respective cut-off dates were announced in advance.
Given the lack of response I guess I'll wait for version 6.
Bob, we try to spend as much time as we can manage on the forums, but if you need a guaranteed response, you'll want to email our support ninjas.

We haven't got a particular ship date for OmniGraffle 6 in mind yet, and the upgrade pricing/policies are some of the last things we work on. If you buy a license now, it'll be good for all 5.x releases, but beyond that we can't really say.

When considering a purchase like this, one always needs to weigh the cost of buying against the productivity you're giving up by waiting. If your current version of OmniGraffle meets your needs, waiting is a perfectly valid choice.

Our upgrades have always been constructed in such a way that folks who skip a version of the app aren't penalized for doing so - they get the same discount. Our thinking there is that folks should only ever have to buy the new version if they think they'll use it, not in order to hold on to some maximum discount percentage.

Amusingly, the above policy generates occasional angry emails from the folks who *do* buy every release, and are irritated that folks who didn't do so get the same discount! I don't know why they want us to punish you, but we promise we won't. ;-)
Thanks Brian.
Version 4 meets my current needs. I'll wait for the upgrade to version 6.
Just in case, here's the post that got me wondering about this in the first place:
OO3 has been out since January 2005, and there are numerous threads discussing what's going to be (hopefully) delivered in OO4, and why it keeps getting pushed back. OG5 came out almost 3.5 years later, and if there's been even one thread where a list of potential major features has been mentioned, I've missed it. Both OO4 and OF2 have been promised (along with OP2 and the full suite of iPad apps, though those have now all be delivered) before OG6, and given that the beta test always takes several months and none have started, I'm pretty comfortable predicting that this time next year we'll still be speculating about when OG6 might come out :-)

That offer to new OO3 purchasers was an exception to the usual Omni policy (making an already quite generous policy even more so!) but I don't expect to see it repeated.

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