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View Poll Results: On what date should the iCal export create the entry?
At the start of the task, like it is 0 0%
When the task is going to be completed 0 0%
At both start and completion 0 0%
It should be an option 2 100.00%
Voters: 2. You may not vote on this poll

iCal export: export to completion date? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It seems that the iCal export assigns the entry date on the task START date. This seems a bit counter-intuitive to me in that my superiors are usually more concerned with deadline on which something is due rather than the day we start work on something.

In our business situation it seems to make much more sense for the iCal export to create the entry on the due date ( or one for "Start doing X" on the start date and "X is due" on the due/completion date). Maybe this could be an export option?

Does anyone else thing this should be the case?

Thanks for the great program!

Nate Murray
iCal decides where to display these events, not OmniPlan. You might try exporting as 'To Do' instead of event. That'll put tasks in iCal in a 'To Do' list, with very clear due dates. Or try out another iCalendar compliant calendaring app to see if it better suits your needs.

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