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XML export Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I find it rather baffling that you can not export your data as very vanilla XML. An outline is a tree structure and so is XML.

I'd simply like to export my tree structure as XML without loads of extra tags for Excel or for items I didn't enter.

I guess I'd assumed that this would be built in but since it's not, I'm currently reentering all the data I put in OmniOutliner and manually converting to XML. Grumble.

- Zav

Last edited by zav; 2007-05-04 at 02:27 PM..
Originally Posted by zav
I find it rather baffling that you can not export your data as very vanilla XML. An outline is a tree structure and so is XML.

I'd simply like to export my tree structure as XML without loads of extra tags for Excel or for items I didn't enter.

I guess I'd assumed that this would be built in but since it's not, I'm currently reentering all the data I put in OmniOutliner and manually converting to XML. Grumble.

- Zav
This should be in the OmniOutliner forum, not OmniWeb!

I am also baffled that there is no XML export.... I just asumed it would be there. I would seem totally natural for OO. I thought the DHTML export was going to do the trick for my project.... but the show/hide triangle metaphor was lost on older group of PC users.

I can hack up the resultant code to make it usable.... but then updating the page is a bitch.

XML is missing... I'd bet there would be many who agree... but you can't search for XML in these forums (v bulletin won't search for three charcter terms... ) (Maybe XLST will help? )

Anyways my extensive support issue outline is a dead-end oo3 document without XML

XML export would be way way more useful.

Last edited by Nomad; 2007-09-12 at 03:03 PM.. Reason: spelling error
Outliner files are already XML files. If you right-click on an OO3 file and choose "Show Package Contents" you'll see a contents.xml file.
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Outliner files are already XML files. If you right-click on an OO3 file and choose "Show Package Contents" you'll see a contents.xml file.
Makes sense having it as a XML file... I opened the "contents.xml" file in BBedit and it came up as gibberish. How is the file encoded? Is the file proprietary? Am I missing something here?

Really what I want is an HTML export that isn't bloated with table tags and inline styles. OO3 HTML output reminds me of the HTML that MS Word belches out. (not that bad but... ) The resultant web page looks nice... but the styles can't be adjusted as they are imbedded (inline?).

I don't need a web page that looks like my OO3 document. I need a web page that matches my existing site's style.

I would asume that it relatively simple task to add a "clean and simple HTML" export to OO3's export options. Right?

Although the file is named contents.xml, it is compressed, unless you have deselected "Compress on disk" in the Advanced section of the Document inspector. If you want a simpler XML version, export as OPML.
Just grab the contents.xml, rename it to, uncompress it, and you've got the XML. At least that's what I do.

I'm trying to find a good means of integrating OmniOutliner with DEVONthink Pro. (I know, many have tried with varying levels of success; a quick visit to the DEVONthink forums will confirm this)

I'm not very familiar with the workings of XML, but a DEVON developer commented here on the XML import process:

Speaking as a developer, it would be great if companies who create an XML specification for their document format also create an XSLT transform to make a sane HTML representation of that document. That way third parties can easily access and display the information the company thinks is most important.
Is there any chance of said XSLT transform making a difference in this situation?
Omni does provide XSL templates for transformation to HTML.

That is how the HTML export works. If you did want to find the XSL files, you could take a deep breath, exercise caution, ctrl-click the OO application file, choose Show Package Contents, and drill down through the Plugins sub-folder inside the package. I don't really advise this, incidentally.

Or, more sanely, you could develop a work flow that involved exporting to something like HTML, RTF, or PDF (arguably the best for Devonthink), perhaps automating some of the steps with Applescript.

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