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Verify Next Actions Exist Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've posted a "Verify Next Actions Exist" script to my software downloads page. This scripts scans all projects and action groups to identify those without an identified next action.

Share and enjoy!

Dude! You are my hero!

Nice job on this.

One suggestion...
I added a line after line 131... in the accumulateMissingNAsTask handler

set end of accum to name -- CONSIDER: build better identifying string here
set note of theTask to note of theTask & "NoAction"

This will place a note in the project.

Now after this has run, I can go to the search field and enter
All my projects without actions show up!

It may be helpful to have a script that clears that out of the note, but right now I'm comfortable with doing it by hand.

Thanks for the code!
my addition adds it to any tasks that had children that no longer have tasks... so a project can have children that at one point had tasks.

--myChildTask - tagged as no action
---myGrandTask -complete

May be a bug in the script... I'll look into it more
I need to search for that note before it adds the note... otherwise... it will continue to append the note
Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
I need to search for that note before it adds the note... otherwise... it will continue to append the note
Here is the fix:
if note of theTask does not contain "NoActions" then
set note of theTask to note of theTask & "NoActions"
end if
Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
my addition adds it to any tasks that had children that no longer have tasks... so a project can have children that at one point had tasks.

--myChildTask - tagged as no action
---myGrandTask -complete

May be a bug in the script... I'll look into it more
Looks like the script is treating this as a project... which... maybe it is a project.

Sub-projects of a project.

Last edited by SpiralOcean; 2007-07-08 at 08:57 PM..
This is huge! Huge! It was a large missing portion of my workflow. I know Omni is working on this one, but what a relief to be able to see projects that need to be completed or a next action assigned!

You win hero of the week!
There is a slight bug with this...

it will not detect projects that have never had an action associated with it.
Good catch. I'll tweak the recursion to check top-level projects without children. Also, great idea annotating the projects to allow searching for those missing a next action! I'll incorporate that into the updated script.

I've posted the updated script to my software downloads page. The script now catches top-level projects without any children. It also prefixes the name of offending projects with "Missing NA". The particular prefix is controlled by a property in the script. You can set the property to use the empty string if you want to disable this feature.

Share and enjoy!


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