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Difference between "single actions" and "parallel" projects? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Can someone educate me on the difference between a "single actions" project and a "parallel" project?

In both, the actions can be performed in any order; there's no concept of "next action".

The only difference I can find is that the actions in "single action" projects don't show up as next actions in my Context mode, which I have to assume is a bug, otherwise how do I complete them? (They do show up as "available", but again, this seems to be a bug: I'd think "next" and "available" would be equivalent in this case.)

Originally Posted by jasong View Post
Can someone educate me on the difference between a "single actions" project and a "parallel" project?

In both, the actions can be performed in any order; there's no concept of "next action".
The plan is for singleton projects (eventually to be called "lists of single actions") to have all next actions, while parallel projects will have one next action and the rest just "available". That's not implemented yet.

The other difference is that a singleton project can be set (via preferences) as the default destination for in-box and quick-entry actions that have a context but no project.

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
The plan is for singleton projects (eventually to be called "lists of single actions") to have all next actions, while parallel projects will have one next action and the rest just "available". That's not implemented yet.
Aha. OK, thanks... I'll keep an eye open for that.

Originally Posted by jasong View Post
In both, the actions can be performed in any order; there's no concept of "next action".
To add to what Curt said: it's true that all actions are available to be done in any order in a parallel project, and that therefore there's no logical next action. However, you can reorder actions in the project so that the most important/pressing/distasteful/whatever action is indicated as next, as a way to encourage yourself to focus on it and get it out of the way.

This topic has come up before in the forums:

And, in the context of how to handle single actions (a discussion that contributed to the current idea of a single actions "project"):

(In both cases I've linked to my postings, to expand on what I wrote above, but you should look at the rest of the discussion too!)

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