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I've been using OmniFocus for the past month, and have been applying a flavor of GTD called ActionMethod with it, and am pretty much loving it.

Over the past month or so, I've been looking @ other GTD apps, both desktop and web based, and have started compiling a WishList map of what I would like to see in a GTD app.

Anyway, I put this together last week, and figured I would go ahead and post it in the forum.

Some more info on ActionMethod:

Many thanks for your time.


Last edited by policarpo; 2010-06-01 at 04:52 PM..
Here is the growing map of wants and desires in a GTD app:

It all sounds nice but it seems like OmniFocus was designed more as a single user program.

For multiple user setups, it sounds like a combination of OmniFocus and/or OmniPlan would be a more plausible solution for workgroup settings.

Coordinating resources such as people, timelines, equipment, etc. sounds like something more suited for OmniPlan. I just don't see that in OmniFocus.

Of course, I've seen discussions here on the forums talking about tighter integration with OmniFocus and OmniPlan so we'll have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
It all sounds nice but it seems like OmniFocus was designed more as a single user program.

For multiple user setups, it sounds like a combination of OmniFocus and/or OmniPlan would be a more plausible solution for workgroup settings.

Coordinating resources such as people, timelines, equipment, etc. sounds like something more suited for OmniPlan. I just don't see that in OmniFocus.

Of course, I've seen discussions here on the forums talking about tighter integration with OmniFocus and OmniPlan so we'll have to wait and see.
I don't think omniplan is needed in the cases mapped out. Here is some background:

. We currently use omnifocus on a Bonjour host
. 5 team members add, edit tasks throughout the day
. We assign the user a task and assign the Context to their name
. Currently everyone can see all tasks in omnifocus

So, what I am requesting is the following:
- Assign tasks to specific people and notify them when a task has been assigned
- Set up permissions so I can specify who sees what (people don't need to see everything - we use the Focus Feature to minimize our views currently)

I don't think omniplan would help with this. Also, omniplan doesn't support multi-user collaboration on a single file (users have to wait for the 'Master File' to be closed in order to edit it).

Have a look at the ActionMethod video clip to see how Delegation and Notifications can work in a GTD system:

many thanks for reviewing the maps.

Last edited by policarpo; 2010-06-02 at 10:54 AM..
Here's a focused use case map, which hopefully simplifies things a bit :)

If anyone is using Novamind4, feel free to download the mindmaps and change them if you have any suggestions.

Here's my page:

As always, many thanks!

Policarpo, you'll want to be very careful that you don't ever have a situation where two different users might edit the same action or project without a sync between the edits. OmniFocus will keep the last change made, and that is determined on a per-action or project basis, so if you change the name of the task, and someone else changes the due date, for example, only one of those two changes will be kept, and there will be no warning that this has happened.
This really seems like Outlook to me. How does that match up against what you're looking for?

Personally, the fact that databases are not integrated is a feature, not a bug. In particular, people can organize things into bigger projects or a greater number of smaller projects; one task or multiple tasks as works for them; kind of like PC vs. terminal.
We use OSX exclusively for our needs, so Outlook isn't an option (and I don't think Entourage offers the same level of functionality as OmniFocus).

Look, Omnifocus covers about 80% of what I need it to do for myself and my team.

The integrated Notifications and Delegation feature would get it to 95%. The remaining 5% would be the ability of assign permissions/access to tasks on a per user basis.

The ActionMethod tour video goes over this ( just can't use ActionMethod since we can't manage the server and so far, OmniFocus is the only GTD app I have seen that offers the Bonjour Host option.
Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
This really seems like Outlook to me. How does that match up against what you're looking for?.
Just tested out Entourage for the Mac, and well, let's just say, the darn thing felt like work. :)

It's missing a lot of the features I am pining for...stuff I can find in OmniFocus:
- Folders with Nested Projects and sub tasks
- Quick Inbox to capture top of mind thoughts
- Great iPhone integration
- Very accessible UI
- Great View Modes

It does offer the Sharing aspect and Task tracking which I would love to have in OF.

I've also been looking thru this list of GTD apps:

It seems like most of the ones which allow Delegation and Notifications are web based.

I also tried Daylite, and man, let me just say, the UI and UX was horrible. My head started to hurt. I don't see how they can sell this app to users. It's a horrible experience.

Ho hum...just going to keep plugging along and refining my dream GTD app...maybe some day it will appear. :)


Last edited by policarpo; 2010-06-02 at 04:50 PM..

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