I've been using OmniFocus for the past month, and have been applying a flavor of GTD called ActionMethod with it, and am pretty much loving it.
Over the past month or so, I've been looking @ other GTD apps, both desktop and web based, and have started compiling a WishList map of what I would like to see in a GTD app.
Anyway, I put this together last week, and figured I would go ahead and post it in the forum.

Some more info on ActionMethod: http://www.actionmethod.com/Tour
Many thanks for your time.
I've been using OmniFocus for the past month, and have been applying a flavor of GTD called ActionMethod with it, and am pretty much loving it.
Over the past month or so, I've been looking @ other GTD apps, both desktop and web based, and have started compiling a WishList map of what I would like to see in a GTD app.
Anyway, I put this together last week, and figured I would go ahead and post it in the forum.

Some more info on ActionMethod: http://www.actionmethod.com/Tour
Many thanks for your time.
Last edited by policarpo; 2010-06-01 at 04:52 PM..