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page numbers without shared layers Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have Omnigraffle 5 installed, not pro.

I am trying to insert page numbers.

All of the posts I see tell me to insert the page number variable into the shared layer, but b/c I dont have pro, I don't have shared layers.

how do I do this?
I guess I have shared layers -- but the Shared Layer menu item is only displaying when I right-click on an actual canvas, not on the canvas or layer in the canvas sidebar. This menu item is also nowhere to be seen from the Edit menu.
Okay, so I guess I found a bug that allows v5 non pro folks to add a shared layer -- but I can't edit the shared layer b/c it is a v5 pro feature only.

So how am I supposed to add page numbers to all canvases without a shared layer?

Am I supposed to add a page number variable manually to each canvas?
Put in your page number via the Edit->Insert Variable command on one of the pages. Style it as desired. Now select that graphic, and do Edit->Copy As->AppleScript to get a description of how to create and place the graphic on the page. Open up the AppleScript Editor application. Paste in the following script:

tell application "OmniGraffle 5"
	repeat with myCanvas in canvases of front document
		tell myCanvas
			make new shape at end of graphics with properties {fill:no fill, draws shadow:false, size:{7.0, 14.0}, side padding:0, autosizing:full, vertical padding:0, origin:{284.5, 676.0}, text:{text:"<%#%>", alignment:center}, draws stroke:false}
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell
Replace the line "make new shape ..." with the corresponding line from your document. Execute the script and you'll have that graphic inserted into each page. Might be smart to save a copy of your document before doing this to make it easier to back the change out if you don't like it.

This will copy as many objects as you select, so you could put in a header and so on at the same time, or a page number that showed the total number of pages as well as the page number, etc.

Last edited by whpalmer4; 2011-03-08 at 03:20 PM..

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