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I'm looking for a fairly simple applescript. I want to take the currently selected project (or the project of the currently selected task) and send its attached contents to an Evernote name with the same name of the project (appending if it already exists).
Hi there.

I have a very very simple request. I just need an applescript that automatically sets the task that i am writing down in the QuickEntryWindow to repeat. How do I do that?

Sorry if the question is a bit dumb, but I can not find anything and my applescript knowledge is zero.

Many thanks, aeiou
Since the clipper doesn't work properly in Evernote, I'm thinking it'd be nice to have an applescript to copy the note link, pull up the quick entry, and paste the link into the notes field. Then I could assign this to a keyboard shortcut.

Right now I've assigned the "Copy Note Link" menu icon to the same hotkey as the clipper, and then I have to pull up quick entry and paste it into the notes field manually. It seems like this could be done with an applescript and then used with fastscripts/Alfred/etc. but I know nothing how to write applescript.

Here is my request for a potentially very useful script for just getting started on something when you don't know what to do:

Make an app or AppleScript that presents you one next action from OF at a time, where you either complete the action and check it off, or "next" it.

This would be at random, from any project or single action list.

Often times I'm afraid to look at my OmniFocus because those lists are so long and full that I'd love to have this tool to just get doing instead of having to pick the best thing to do next.

Last edited by ilhankudeki; 2012-11-12 at 05:24 PM..
There used to be an OmniFocus dashboard widget called OmniFidget that did pretty much exactly what you ask. Unfortunately, it has joined the great software scrap heap in the sky...

Here's a radical suggestion: Put OmniFocus in context view. Close your eyes. Move the mouse somewhere on the sidebar and click on a context. Open your eyes. Do the first thing listed in that context, or pick another context in the same way. You don't really need software to do this for you, it just makes it more likely you'll play with the tool instead of actually doing something. I know all about this problem :-)
Hey there,
I use Hazel to watch some Dropbox folders for changes.
Now Iīm looking for an applescript to add a new task to OmniFocus with specified context, project and an attachment of the altered document every time Hazel recognizes a change in a certain Dropbox folder.

I found snippets for either automatically adding a task to a specific project and context or to create an inbox task with an attached document. But so far I wasnīt able to fiddle them together to perform the action described above.
It canīt be that hard, but I just donīt get it.
LeJoh, did you see this thread?

I downloaded a demo copy of Hazel and did a bit of fiddling with the script from that thread. I was able to get it to watch a certain file in a folder and make a new OmniFocus action with that file attached and project and context set each time the file changed.

Here's the script I used:

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell application "Finder" to set file_name to (name of theFile)
	tell front document
		set NewTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:file_name}
		tell the note of NewTask
			make new file attachment with properties {file name:theFile, embedded:true} -- embed file
		end tell
	end tell
		set task_project to item 1 of (get flattened projects of front document whose name is "Test project")
		set assigned container of NewTask to task_project
		set context of NewTask to item 1 of (get flattened contexts of front document whose name is "Home")
		tell front document to compact
	end try
end tell
Obviously, you'll want to change it to have appropriate values of "Test project" and "Home" :-)

I set up the rule to run if the Date Modified of the watched file is after the Date Last Matched, and invoke the script above.

Better ask me any other Hazel-related questions quickly, before my 14 day demo runs out :-)
whpalmer4, thank you so very much! Your script works exactly as I hoped my attempts would do. You made my day :-)
Hi everyone!

I've been using OmniFocus for years and I miss a simple functionality for repeating tasks: snooze (without changing the repeating pattern of the original task, like a one-off). Other applications does have this functionality, allowing the user to postpone and at the same time keeping the repeating pattern, so in the next occurrence the task behaves like it ever did. Unfortunately OmniFocus doesn't support this feature yet, because of the way repeating tasks are implemented, but I'm pretty sure that a workaround through an AppleScript is possible.

I just started studying AppleScript, so I have no idea how to implement it yet, though I know what must happen after the script is activated:

1. The task (or project) is duplicated;
2. The original task is marked complete, so the next occurrence will be available according to the original pattern;
3. The duplicated task has its repeating property removed, the script asks the user for a defer date (or relative date);
4. The duplicated task is then deferred.

For example:

Let's say I have a task set to start on July 5th and due on July 10th (set to start again on the next month). If, for any reason, I can't do the task on July 5th (but only this month), I change the start date to July 7th.

Without the script, OmniFocus will alert me again on July 7th, and once I check the task completed, the task will be available again on July 7th on the next month (and not on July 5th, like the original setup).

With the script, the task will be duplicated, the original task will be marked complete, so the next occurrence will be available on July 5th of the next month. The duplicated task will have its repeating property removed (to prevent it from repeating like the original and making a mess), the script will then ask the user about the next start date. The task is then deferred and that's it!

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