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Report Template Issue Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm having some issues with the HTML Report Templates.
I have exported the standard one and named it "NEW"
I then updated the TaskTemplate field of Duration {@Time@} to {@Effort@}.
Now, when I run, I get a broken report of the following format.
There is no data and there appears to be a ")" at the end of the report
I am editing in textpad.

Any advice is appreciated

Task Report: February 2014 Plan

Total Cost
Planned Start
Start Variance
Constraint Start
Planned End
End Variance
Constraint End
) Actual

Exported 1/29/14

Software specs:
Build details:

Product: OmniPlan-2.3
Tag: OmniPlan/2.3.3/GM-167.12
Date: 2013-10-31 11:40:59 -0700
Builder: omnibuild
Revision: 197835

OSX Mavericks 10.9.1
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 4.18.34 PM.png
Views:	2774
Size:	28.1 KB
ID:	2975  
I'd speculate that there's probably some syntactically important HTML character that needs to be escaped or balanced, but if you're unable to find the issue I think you're going to need to zip up your report template and mail it to the helpful humans at

Steps for doing so:
  • From OmniPlan's Help menu, select "Send Feedback…"
    If prompted you need not include a file.
  • Now open up OmniPlan -> Preferences and go to the HTML tab
  • Select your template
  • Use the context menu (right click or click the gear button) to "Reveal in Finder"
  • Drag the whole folder into the mail message
  • Include a brief description of the issue

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