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WBS > PERT > Gantt Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Recently, I did some research into the state of project management software (including SaaS) for a Key Stakeholders Blog article.

Many mainstream products, including OmniPlan, follow the Microsoft paradigm: Bottom up planning using a task list/Gantt chart. However, best practice is to start with a scope management tool like a WBS.

Here's the best practices work flow: WBS > PERT (Network) > Gantt

Why does OmniPlan follow the MS Project paradigm that is not best practice? There are effective WBS and PERT chart tools for the MS Windows platform. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a functional counterpart for Macs.

Has the OmniPlan team thought about breaking away from MS, and just doing what's right?

By the way, I believe OmniPlan is a terrific product. It has huge potential.

Here's a link to the article with the complete rundown:

It would be PERTicularly useful to have full fledged PERT charting... Why after all these requests can't the OmniGraffle programmer walk over to the OmniPlan programmer and say "Hey, I can make your software graphically useful!
I second that. I would like to start the project with a PERT chart first and then turn into a GANTT. It just makes more sense.
Don't be a "me too product" to MS Projects please.

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