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OmniFocus Email to Inbox showing as sync client Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have noticed that in my sync client list within OF1 preferences I now have an additional client linked to my email to OmniFocus address.

I have been using this service for ages, but it has never shown up as a specific client.

The only explanation I can come up with is that I shared my unique email address with my wife so she can email tasks directly to my OF inbox.

So, two questions:

1) Is this new account actually her iPhone which has emailed in actions?; and
2) Will that new client impact my sync/database compression over time, as it will only ever be used infrequently?
When I've used Omni's mail-to-inbox service in the past I've noticed this too, but it seems to be temporary.

Perhaps it adds itself as a client to submit the task and removes itself shortly afterwards.
Aha, interesting! I've just checked my clients again, and the email service is no longer listed.

It seems your hypothesis may be correct.
Hi! Yes, psidnell is correct. When you use Mail Drop, the Mail Drop system registers as an additional sync client (named "Email-to-OmniFocus"). It will pretend to "sync" regularly, and eventually unregister itself after a period of inactivity, in order to avoid slowing down your sync and compaction times.

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