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Logging OmniFocus done items to DayOne through Hazel Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Thanks again Rob.

I've edited the script like this and it's working okay for me now.

if (prj!=$5) {prj=$5;
if (prj!="") {print ("\n" prj_prfx prj) >> "tmp_pretty.txt" }
else {print ("\nInbox") >> "tmp_pretty.txt"}
if ($6!=prj) {print ("- " $6 " @done(" $4 ")") >> "tmp_pretty.txt" }
else {{print "- *Project completed* @done(" $4 ")" >> "tmp_pretty.txt" }}

I've got a folder with "Single Actions" and thought about changing the script to leave the "project-name" out for this folder but after doing a quick preview in DO decided against it. The heading improves readability so I'll keep it in.
I am very very interested in this process, because the one thing I really feel lacking in Omnifocus is some kind of daily journal - so you can refer back to everything that was ticked off as done on a given day. However, I havent got a clue where to start with Hazel, I am a relatively new mac user and just don't know where to begin. If anyone here can offer to set this up for me for a reasonable fee or point me at documentation from a very basic level ie non programmer level, I'd be very interested... Thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by Casslar View Post
I am very very interested in this process, because the one thing I really feel lacking in Omnifocus is some kind of daily journal - so you can refer back to everything that was ticked off as done on a given day. However, I havent got a clue where to start with Hazel, I am a relatively new mac user and just don't know where to begin. If anyone here can offer to set this up for me for a reasonable fee or point me at documentation from a very basic level ie non programmer level, I'd be very interested... Thanks in advance!
Bring up the Completed perspective under the Perspectives menu and you'll see all of your completed actions. Use View->Columns->Completion Date to turn on a column showing the completion date.
Thanks whpalmer4 - do you know of any way to export this view as some kind of a daily report? Thats what I am really after, and feel there must be a simpler way than the scripts etc in this thread! Thanks in advance!
I have a rule of thumb I follow: if I need to do XYZ, and RobTrew has written a script that does XYZ (or something very similar), I install Rob's script and look no further.

The only problem with that plan here is that you may not have Hazel and Day One. It's possible to tinker with Rob's script a bit to remove the need for Day One and just dump everything in a text file (it actually already does that, but doesn't retain the file past the end of the day), and it isn't absolutely necessary to use Hazel to trigger the script. By far the path of least resistance would be to simply buy Hazel; it can be used for many other tasks besides this. Day One you may or may not want; I'm willing to provide a copy of Rob's script that simply appends endlessly to a text file rather than shoveling the data off to Day One.

Before you go down that path, however, you might consider how pressing your need is to have this information outside of OmniFocus. There's a built-in Completed perspective which will show you all the completed actions in your database. You can turn on a column that shows the date and time of completion via the View->Columns->Completion Date command. If you just select a bunch of actions, Edit->Copy, switch to your favorite text editor or Mail application, Edit->Paste will give you the text of the action names on separate lines.
Thanks RobTrew!

Actually ended up slightly altering to write the output to a text file I use (personal vs. work | day one vs. NVAlt). Super easy based on the way RobTrew wrote the original. Thank you again good sir.
I've been slogger to do this, which also pulls my daily bookmarks from pinboard, article links in instapaper, photos from Flickr, etc. etc.
I found a problem. When i sync the done items to dayone in iPad, it will create two diaries. one is blank. And if i delete it, it will be create again when i click the done items diary.
If the completed OF item contains a Day One tag as a hashtag it can become a tagged entry by going to Day One's iOS Settings > Advanced > Hashtags > Convert All Hashtags.

I haven't figured out how to get Day One to do this automatically or how to do this in the Mac app.

Edit: I figured out how to do this in the Mac app: Edit the entry and then click Done, you will be prompted to add the hashtag as a Tag. Click "do not show this message again" and it will do it automatically when the entry is edited. To go back to being prompted go to Preferences > General > Prompt to Add Tags from #Hashtags.

Last edited by marcia; 2013-05-01 at 08:12 AM.. Reason: More info

What do I need to do to fix this script to work with Omnifocus2?
Is it possible?


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