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Multiple task edit? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a way to edit multiple tasks at the same time? I mean, say there are five tasks that I won't have time to do today, I'd like to be able to select all five tasks at once, then defer them to the next day, or move multiple items from say the inbox to a project.

If not, then this is a definite feature request.
I believe we've got a feature request open on that - if you send email to our support ninjas, they can attach you to that item in our development database. (Items with more customer interest tend to get assigned higher priority.) Thanks very much!
Alright, it's been sent.
Originally Posted by Gokunama View Post
Is there a way to edit multiple tasks at the same time? I mean, say there are five tasks that I won't have time to do today, I'd like to be able to select all five tasks at once, then defer them to the next day, or move multiple items from say the inbox to a project.

If not, then this is a definite feature request.
Me too!

And I have also sent a feature request to the ninjas.

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