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iTunes Error 0xE8008001 when Trying to Sync Omnifocus iPhone App to iPhone 4 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I purchased Omnifocus for my iPhone 3GS about a year ago. I recently upgraded to the iPhone 4, and it won't allow me to sync my Omnifocus app from my iTunes. I get error message 0xE8008001.

Any thoughts? I googled this error code and it said something about jailbreaking the iPhone as the issue. I definitely purchased this app though, so I am not sure why I get that error message.

The exact message is:
The app "OmniFocus" was not installed on the iPhone because an unknown error occurred (0xE8008001).

Any thoughts/ideas?

One thing to check here is that the new iPhone is logged into the same iTunes account you were using on your old one. If it's logged into a different iTunes account, your previous purchases - OmniFocus, music, etc - won't run on the new phone.

To check this, try the following:
  1. Launch the "iTunes" app on the new phone.
  2. Press the "Music" button in the toolbar.
  3. Scroll down to the very bottom of the screen and make a note of the email address that appears in the "Apple ID" field.
  4. Compare that address to the one that the reciept for your OmniFocus for iPhone purchase was sent to. If they don't match, that's probably what's causing this.

(If they do match and you're seeing this, email the support ninjas and we're happy to investigate this with you.)

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