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OmniFocus syncing with gMail task list Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Google unleashed their "light" task list implementation in gMail yesterday. Any chance we could see synchronization capability between OF and gMailTasks?
Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?
I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.
Does anybody know if Google has exposed the task list API yet?
Hi jeremymayhew,

I don't know if it's what you're looking for. But I put a little service called Spootnik ( together which synchronizes Basecamp directly with OmniFocus and vice versa.

There exists also a Google Gadget ( for Basecamp which allows you to view your tasks inside Gmail.

Best regards,
This would be great - it seems like google is doing more + more with this feature - I'd love to see Omnifocus sync with Tasks!!
I too would very much like this..

creating tasks straight from gmail would be great
wow - i'm glad to see others who are interested in this integration.

Originally Posted by jeremymayhew View Post
I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.
i think more fundamentally, a lot of us are hankerin for some type of web implementation of OmniFocus (can't see to find the thread related to this discussion at the moment...)

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be willing to give up location-based contexts and the full-project editor if it means something to play with short-term. it would definitely begin to replace my need to use tadalists as a stopgap when I'm on the go.

I do have a concern as to where the "sync engine" would live - I hope it is modeled a bit more closely to a service like Plaxo where it's on the web rather than a challenging experience I am having with something like TimeBridge - great idea but it really doesn't work to sync client-side!
bump for feature request. this would make OF a killer app even if it's something simple as syncing to the indox (for a start that is). anyone know if they have an API/etc for it? google task > baseamp -> spoonlink -> OF is too many loops and too many services I'd need to pay for. just google task -> spoonlink -> OF would enuogh for me.
Another vote for a web implementation of OF. This would be very handy.

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