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Double-clicking top-level in utility drawer Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Double-clicking the top-level row in the utility drawer put the text of that level (outline title) in a red lozenge at the very top of my outline. I could drag it around, into rows, as an entity. Double-clicking the lozenge did nothing. Finally I deleted it. Now there is no text shown for the very top level in the Utility Drawer.

What was this, what is it good for, and how can I get the title back? The text title still shows in Underlined Bold at the top of my outline, but the top level in the UD is blank.
That's the outline title. You can reconstruct it by selecting the top row in the utilities drawer, clicking the gear menu below, and choosing Edit...

Thanks! that did it.

For others who may find this thread, note that the gear menu is the one on the document toolbar, not the one at the bottom of the Utility Drawer (beneath the Style hierarchical display thingie).

Um, what is the purpose of being able to turn th title into a draggable, deletable lozenge? I can't make it happen again, but it certainly did turn into a red lozenge. Could I option drag that to other places in the same outline or to another outline to serve as a clickable link?
Originally Posted by lostcities View Post
For others who may find this thread, note that the gear menu is the one on the document toolbar, not the one at the bottom of the Utility Drawer (beneath the Style hierarchical display thingie).
Actually, I was referring to the one directly underneath the section list in the utilities drawer. There's another one beneath the style section, but that is actions for the style stuff, not the section list.

Um, what is the purpose of being able to turn th title into a draggable, deletable lozenge? I can't make it happen again, but it certainly did turn into a red lozenge. Could I option drag that to other places in the same outline or to another outline to serve as a clickable link?
Someone else will have to answer that first question. If you start with a new document, you should be able to make the lozenge appear by double-clicking that top level in the section list. It does seem like it can be dragged elsewhere in the document, but it isn't a link.
I honestly don't know why we used the lozenge there, there may have been other abilities intended that never came to be or something I'm not even actually aware of. I can tell you what it is though. If you're using the pro version, will find these lozenges in the header and footers interface of page setup. You can add them for multiple things like page number, print time, document title, section title, etc. In the header and footer fields they are dynamic, but only so in the header and footers field. You can copy them and paste them into your document but they won't update. When a new document is made, that lozenge is put in as the outline title, possibly because it was an existing way to have that update to the file name if you don't provide any other title for your outline.

You can view this whenever you want by showing the outline title, View -> Show Outline Title -> Always

If you customize the outline title, that is what will be used by the outline title lozenge in the header and footers.
Is this stuff documented anywhere other than in your post? :-) I didn't see anything in the OO 3.0 manual or built-in help.
The default outline title? I do not believe so.

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