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Feature request: Wrapping text around images Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Not having the ability to wrap text around an image in Omnigraffle is a real pain!
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Am I missing something, or did I just pay $200 for a layout program that can't wrap text around images?
Originally Posted by marketanomaly View Post
Am I missing something, or did I just pay $200 for a layout program that can't wrap text around images?
OmniGraffle is primarily a diagramming tool, though you could use it for doing some page layouts. You could probably even use it as a photo cataloging tool with enough determination. If it isn't what you expected, I suggest you contact Omni for a refund within 30 days of purchase, and they'll oblige you.
Originally Posted by marketanomaly View Post
Am I missing something, or did I just pay $200 for a layout program that can't wrap text around images?
I don't know. I have never seen OG presented as a layout tool, although it does have a few simple layout functions. It is not CS or Illustrator, etc, and it is a fraction of the price.

Looks to me like you spent $200 on a drawing tool without first checking if it has layout capability that you need.

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