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Changing Row Height (for small font sizes) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

Maybe there's an easy answer to this but I can't seem to find it. I'd like to shrink the height of each row. Right now, it seems that anything from font size of 1 through 12 uses the same row height (very small fonts just take up less height inside the row). Above 12, the height dynamically changes.

This is great for big font sizes, but I want to use size 10 and the minimum height of the row is causing a lot of wasted white space on my page.

Any ideas?
Yes, you can do this in the "Row Spacing" inspector.
If I remember correctly, the checkbox is what prevents the rows from getting any smaller at some point. (Which, based on your post, sounds like 12 points.)

I'm pretty sure there's a feature request open on changing this; email the support ninjas if you'd like to vote for it. Thanks!
Trying this in the beta of 3.9 that I have installed, it appears that the behavior has changed: the row will now shrink vertically, even if it means that the checkbox is cut off by the row above it.

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