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Can You Re-Name The Library Folder? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I know this is going to sound redundent to many. But can I rename it to say Work and then move from there forward?

I'd like to break things down by work and home or personal and professional would be more like it as I work from home. I'd like a hierachy that starts there and then perhaps client folders ... haven't decided on that yet.

This is a loaded post ... I'm also curious as to you that invoice your clients how exactly do you track what and who is ready for invoicing. I have several contracts in which I need to invoice projects on a 2 week basis and I'm not exactly sure how to set this up. I don't want to use flags for this as I want to use them in another way.

As always ... THANK YOU in advance!!!
Just make a set of folders at the top level, labeled Work, Home, Personal, Professional, etc. The thing you see called Library is simply the collection of everything that isn't in your Inbox.

How do you do your invoicing now? Describe that process and we can probably describe how to do something in OmniFocus that will help.
For invoicing, I would check out Billings by Marketcircle.
The nice thing about "Library" is that it is a complete list (except for your inbox) so if you ever want to look at everything all at one you can. A competing product commonly referred to in this forum does not do that.

The way I differentiate most items is by context. I have both a work and a home context. There are a number of things I do regarding my home projects, when I am at work. So while I may be at work, I may be doing a quick item (print something, a phone call during working hours I can't do at night, etc.)

As for invoicing...
I have a project called "Operations" with a context of @Work. In it I have an action print & mail monthly invoices that repeats every month on the 23rd. This takes care of renewal invoices for clients that renew with me annually. I have another one to print and mail statements on the 1st of the month. I also have another one for weekly invoices on Fridays. This is for production work we have done that was completed that week but is not a renewal. Hope this helps.


Art Wheat
SiteSteward, Inc.

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