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Feature request: New actions at TOP of list, not the bottom Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When I add an action on my iPod Touch it appears as the last action in the project. If the project is long collection of actions, and not sequential, this is a pain. I have to scroll down through several screens and drag it back to the top or near the top, where I want it. I'd love to be able to add a new item at the top of the project's actions.

Last edited by jeffsf; 2010-01-31 at 04:48 PM.. Reason: correct spelling, add explanation
Yes! I'd love if OmniFocus on the iPhone could be configured to add new items, both new actions in projects and new projects, at the top instead of the bottom. The first thing I usually do after adding an item is to move it to the top of the list.

I'm pretty sure we have a feature request open on this - folks can email the support ninjas to add their votes in the development database. Thanks!

Thank you; I did just as you suggested.


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