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Resource shared in two 'resource groups' Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have begun using OmniPlan as a resource management tool. It's really holding up to our needs, with one exception (that I might just be missing). I would like to have a resource exist in two separate groups, but as an alias and not duplicate. Here's the scenario:

- Ruby Developer
- Community Servers Developer

This allows me to see how busy each sub department is (Ruby vs CS), but sometimes a team member's skills bridge both disciplines. Note that their work space fluctuates, so I can't create 2 resources at 50% Each.

Is it possible to have a Resource (eg Mark) be a member of two groups, yet still total 100% work?
This has definitely come up before, and it is not currently possible. As you note, the suggestion was to split the resource into multiple resources. I concur that for my purposes that would not be acceptable either. Personally, I like adding the concept of skills: a resource has certain skills (with a certain efficiency with each), and each task requires certain skills for some duration.

One previous poster noted that such a feature would make task assignment and leveling much more difficult computationally. I'm not sure that's actually the case, especially given the leveling algorithm OmniPlan uses, which is at its core (from what I have been able to ascertain): see what tasks this resource can work on and pick the highest priority one. This feature would just expand the possible tasks that a given resource could work on.

Hopefully this appears in the feature request database and they can put a couple more votes on it.

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