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Ok... I am a long time OF user (back since Kinkless was around).

- Synching. Yes, I know it is in all of them, but it is a killer feature, still.
- Quick entry box. Nice and big and next to my finger.
- Forecast. Great way of viewing what is on tap.

- Review. A good start, but only goes through projects needing review which is 1/10th of my review
- Map. Like the function, just never use it much.
- Sidebar settings. You can change the order.
- Look and feel. Most of it is pretty good. Animations are nice.
- Folder view on the side bar.

- Speed. It is a little pokey. Clicking a task takes 1-2 seconds to disappear. Some views take longer.
- Crashes. 2 in first 20 minutes. Hope 1.01 is on the way.
- Look and feel 2. Seems like a lot of wasted "black" space.
- Price. Knew it would be $40 but still think it is $10 high.

- Views. Not sure why OG still consider a "PENDING" project as "REMAINING" I don't want to see pending projects until they are active. (same thing in iPhone).
- Look and feel 3. Folders just look strange.

That is my first 30 minutes with it. :)

Well, after 30 minutes poking about myself I'm quite pleased. I agree with other users who've found everything a bit "too big" in the list view, but hopefully there'll be an option to customise font sizes in a future release.

I wasn't sure about the sidebar first of all, but that's grown on me already. I love the forecast and review features. I'm a bit lazy when it comes to reviews, but I've just done my first on the iPad and it was a positive pleasure! Will be doing my reviews on here rather than the desktop in future.

No crashes at all for me so far.

One thing I'm missing, but it may be just me not seeing it... I make regular use of the Due Soon and Overdue views in the iPhone version. I can't find a good way of just viewing my tasks that are "Due Soon" on the iPad version. Is there any way to do that?

Overall, a thumbs up from me so far!
Very quick first impressions:

Way too much wasted space, the nested tree views could have much narrower rows and fit twice as much info on screen easily. Makes it feel a bit like an app designed for kids.

In context view, collapse-all doesn't fully collapse nested contexts. Each separate sub-context shows up at the top level as a flat list and that's quite annoying.
Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
- Crashes. 2 in first 20 minutes. Hope 1.01 is on the way.
What you have should already be the 1.0.1 version, at least according to iTunes, just so you know.
Originally Posted by pmdf View Post

One thing I'm missing, but it may be just me not seeing it... I make regular use of the Due Soon and Overdue views in the iPhone version. I can't find a good way of just viewing my tasks that are "Due Soon" on the iPad version. Is there any way to do that?
For me, the way to do that is the forecast view. You can see a complete week in the top bar, including overdue tasks.

Overall, I'm too very happy with the iPad version. But I'm not yet used to tasks being not aligned with the project/folder. On one hand, it saves room for the description of the task. On the other hand, it feels "wrong". But that's only graphics...

Great work, guys!
I posted the following in another thread but sticking it in here seems like the right place...

The UI is a mess (IMO) Makes my iPad look like a Fisher-Price Toy.

My list of Moans:
1) Why is everything MASSIVE?
2) I hate dark themes (always look like something a 1st year Uni student would create for some web-design assignment)
3) Why so much wasted space?
4) Fonts on left navigation panel are about 4 sizes smaller than the actions etc on right???

But like I said... functionality seems good.

Overall... happy to have it on my iPad (but I think OG guys need to look for some new U.I. designers ;)
Originally Posted by boris.baesler View Post
For me, the way to do that is the forecast view. You can see a complete week in the top bar, including overdue tasks.
Thanks for that... I'm unusually up-to-date at the moment so didn't have an overdue task to view in there, but having set one up to test I can now see how that will work in forecast view.
I haven't ponied up the money yet. I use Omnifocus on my Mac and iPhone and the iPad with the iPhone app. But the problem is the price.

In the cloud sync is the killer function of Omnifocus but it forces me to have a Webdav server or Mobile Me. No support for DropBox or SugarSync is available, at least none that I have found on the iPhone side. So last year when I made the switch to Omnifocus, I spent $79 for the Mac version, $20 for the iPhone version, and $99 for a year of MobileMe (and I pretty much only use Mobile Me for Omnifocus). $200 total to manage my tasks on two different platforms.

So now the iPad client comes out and it is $40??? Come on, I know you guys have to eat, but it couldn't be a little cheaper. I love the product, but I can get ToDo for the iPad right now for $5, and it is georgeous. I know it doesn't sync, but I pretty much always have my iPad with me, so maybe I stop using the desktop version.

People who have tested, is it worth it for me to spend $40 for yet another different version of the same program, or should I just continue to use the iPhone version? Does it look like the iPad version is worth $40? By the reviews here, it looks like people aren't in love with the interface.
Originally Posted by IceWind View Post
1) Why is everything MASSIVE?
Hmm, I've only been playing with it for an hour but I've got to say, the 'Mr Magoo' interface is starting to really grate already. It makes it feel like a kids first reading book rather than a grown-up productivity app.

Damn, hope the Omni guys will do something about that as for an app like this information is key. This definitely needs an option to get rid of all the extraneous space as that totally negates the benefits of the iPad screen size.
I like it: I do think the UI could be nicer, though (I still think the mockup one that was posted by a user on here ages ago looks nicer than the shipping one). The functionality is there, however, which is the main thing (though I agree with BZ about the pending projects being remaining: why there can't be a similar set of project views to the desktop app with "active", "on hold" etc. in both the iPhone and iPad apps escapes me). I'm sure it will improve with time.

To those spotting bugs: don't complain here, report to the ninjas! :)

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