Thanks for giving me a chance to clarify myself! This is my situation:
I have a very complex diagram with lots of shapes and lines that connect them in various ways. Some of the shapes are more "important" than others in the sense that they have more incoming lines than others. I would like these shapes to be bigger than the not-so-important shapes, and I would like to be able to do this automatically.
I imagine that this would be done by selecting all shapes and then running the script that changes the formatting of the selected shapes based on the number of incoming lines.
The shapes are irregular, the lines can connect on any side, I want to be able to apply the script to any shape. I don't understand your question about the Height and Width boxes?
Thanks for your help!
Johannes, Sweden
Originally Posted by DerekAsirvadem
I don't know how to ask this without making your request sound silly, so please forgive me, that is not my intent.
How exactly is the AppleScript module (or whatever code segment is intended to create your shape) supposed to kow how many lines are coming into the shape, or intended to come into the shape ?
Do you want to create a shape (say a simple rectangle), then attach lines to it, then run the script, which re-sizes the shape ... or do you want to tell the script "look, I will have x lines coming in, so create the shape to suit" ?
What about where the lines come in ? Do you only use one side for connection, or can the lines connect to any of the four (or more) sides) ?
Are you wanting this feature for a single shape or to be able to apply it (via exec script) to any shape ?
Are your shapes regular (aligned to grid; size is an integral multiple of Grid/Minor) ... or are they irregular ?
Are you ok with using the Height and Width boxes in the Inspector/Geometry ?