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Action-based Perspective? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to create a perspective based on actions (as opposed to contexts or projects) using OF for Mac? I'd like to command-click select a few actions to really focus on and I naturally thought a perspective would be ideal for that. Turns out I can't seem to be able to do what I want.

Originally Posted by patgallant View Post
Is it possible to create a perspective based on actions (as opposed to contexts or projects) using OF for Mac? I'd like to command-click select a few actions to really focus on and I naturally thought a perspective would be ideal for that. Turns out I can't seem to be able to do what I want.

I don't believe that this is possible (having tried so myself). If I am wrong, someone, please let me know - as I would very much like to have this functionality at my disposal.
Flag the actions on which you wish to focus, then bring up the Flagged perspective.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Flag the actions on which you wish to focus, then bring up the Flagged perspective.
Thought of that, but I'm already using flags for something else (basically for something that needs my attention but doesn't necessarily have a due date). I was looking to refine even further on those days where my due and/or flagged perspectives are cluttered so that I can cherry pick 3-4 tasks and just focus on those for the day without any other noise.
Originally Posted by imlad View Post
I don't believe that this is possible (having tried so myself). If I am wrong, someone, please let me know - as I would very much like to have this functionality at my disposal.
Yep, that would work. I guess what I would love to be able to do is to add any given action to any given perspective.
Originally Posted by patgallant View Post
Thought of that, but I'm already using flags for something else (basically for something that needs my attention but doesn't necessarily have a due date). I was looking to refine even further on those days where my due and/or flagged perspectives are cluttered so that I can cherry pick 3-4 tasks and just focus on those for the day without any other noise.
I don't know how much "baggage" these tasks have, but assuming you just need the task name, why not just copy and paste them into a TextEdit or Sticky Note window and close or hide OmniFocus?
Why not just creat a folder and label it Action Items. Then you can just set a perspective up to view that folder and move whatever projects that you want to focus on that day into that folder. Move them out when you don't, and so on.
I believe we have a feature request open on the ability to focus on collections of individual actions; folks that would like this can contact the support ninjas and ask to add themselves to that item in the development database. Thanks!

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