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Can I do this with a stencil shape? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'd like to modify the stock UML class stencil to get rid of the line between the class name & attribute compartments.

Can I have what appears like the outer box (whether done with lines, 2 separate boxes, or anything else -- but without a visible horizontal separator) , with 2 separate text compartments within it (one for class name, one for attribute lists), and still have the outer box resize sensibly as either text compartment changes?

Any pointers to how much appreciated!

Bump? Is there a way to do this?

Sophie, if you need a guaranteed response, the best thing to do is to email our support ninjas; you'll get a response from an expert in the app you're asking about by the end of the next business day. (Ninjas are also available at 800.315.6664, if that's convenient.)

We all spend time on the forums as we're able to on top of our other duties, but we can't guarantee that someone from a particular team will see a given post in any particular timeframe. I can answer basic questions about OmniGraffle, but don't know enough to answer this one. Sorry!
That object seems to be a grouping of two labeled rectangles. Maybe you could make it a grouping of two labeled rectangles with an invisible stroke, plus a third rectangle to make the box with a visible stroke but transparent. Open up the stencils window, select the stencil, select Edit a Copy under the gear menu at the top of the window, and have at it!
I can do that, but don't know how to make the stroked rectangle resize with the corresponding 2 text rectangles. Any idea how?

edit: in Visio I used to make one cell in the outer rectangle spreadsheet depend on a cell in the inner rectangle spreadsheets. What is the closest equivalent in OmniGraffle?

Last edited by Sophie; 2011-12-10 at 04:09 PM..
Maybe you could make it a grouping of two labeled rectangles with an invisible stroke, plus a third rectangle to make the box with a visible stroke but transparent.
Sure, but how do I make the third rectangle resize when I type more text into the other 2 rectangles?

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