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or this comment fair ?

Yes, there’s a new style system, zooming, hiding columns, better Spotlight support, etc., but can the outlines do things they cannot now do? I haven’t heard of any. No filtering, no cloning, no computations, etc. It seems as if OO4 outlines do pretty much what OO3 outlines did, but better.

A preparatory change of clothes, I think.

(Gray bullets rather than black ones).

But perhaps the plan is to start some functional growth once the rebuilt UI is stable and compatible with the iPad version.

(The twin-platform approach is bound, I suppose, to slow the rate of functional development).
OmniOutliner 4 has significant architecture updates and we feel it is a major improvement over OmniOutliner 3. The drawing architecture now supports text zooming, which is by far the most popular feature request. It also support hidden columns as you already mentioned. The inspectors have been redesigned to be much more accessible including some tweaking to attributes like row spacing. The drawer has been converted to a much more modern sidebar so it can now be visible in full screen mode. URLs are now treated like hyperlinks instead of attachments. Attachments no longer appear in capsules and images can be individually set to either display inline or appear as an icon. Printing is much more friendly and you no longer need to worry about it scaling down your text. Managing your styles is hopefully easier now; it's been brought up to parity with how styles work in the iPad app. Much of the UI in general has been given a facelift and the OS X auto-complete feature is now useable.

We think this release sets a good basis for future development, and we're glad to finally be shipping OmniOutliner from an up-to-date foundation. We hope you'll like what you see in this upgrade—if not, there's no harm in waiting!
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately I am not in a position to test OO4 as my oldish hardware is stuck at Lion and I am waiting for the MacBook Air to be updated before I replace my present computer (MacBook late 2008).

Two specific questions if I may:
1) Will OO3 Applescripts need to be rewritten to run with OO4?
2) Is it possible to set the display size of graphic files that are in an outline?

best wishes
Any applescripts which work with columns, the style system or text attributes will need to be adjusted – the style model has changed, as have references to column types and text attributes.

Other scripts may need an edit to their tell application ... line, if they use a reference which is version-specific rather than a simple tell application id "OOut"

(Even scripts which use that version-independent form may need to be 're-compiled' by using a Save As from Applescript Editor).


Last edited by RobTrew; 2013-03-26 at 07:48 AM..
Originally Posted by Simon Knight View Post
2) Is it possible to set the display size of graphic files that are in an outline?
Not yet, just either full size or file icon.

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