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Sync error : incompatible database Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

When I sync my iPhone (OF 1.16.2) with my Mac (OF 1.10.4), I suddenly get an error message saying that the iPhone database is incompatible with the sync database. What should I do ? I found a very old thread with similar problems a few years ago, are the workarounds still usable ?

Thanks for any help
The easiest, safest way to sort this out is to get in direct communication with our Support Humans.
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Which old thread are you looking at?

Here may be what happened...
If you stop using your iPhone for a while, the other clients have to cart around extra data until it catches up in the syncing again. Rather than do this indefinitely (and slow down syncing), after about 2 weeks the other clients drop that extra data and the databases become incompatible. At that point, you'll probably want to replace the iPhone database with the server database. But if you have any doubts, please contact Support.
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
The easiest, safest way to sort this out is to get in direct communication with our Support Humans.
Thanks, they helped me.

Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Here may be what happened...
If you stop using your iPhone for a while, the other clients have to cart around extra data until it catches up in the syncing again. Rather than do this indefinitely (and slow down syncing), after about 2 weeks the other clients drop that extra data and the databases become incompatible.
I sync my iPhone and Mac on a daily basis, if not more. The problem has an other cause. I hope it was just a one-time glitch.

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