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scaling attached images and graphics Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
i love omnioutliner's ability to import images and graphics inline and i also think the collapsable attachment tag works just great.

a usefull addition would be to being able to scale-drag the attached image using a handle at the bottom right corner of the attachment tag. since all recent oo developments seem to go in the direction of controlling the styling of the document directly for print, this would be a coherent addition.
perhaps an attachment context menu item could enable you to automatically scale to fit to page the attached item.

anybody thinks that's sensible?

Hi Kristian-

Image scaling is a feature we have planned for a future version. Thanks for asking!
great, looking forward!
Allow me to add my vote of support to this request.

Attempting to expand the horizons of my OO Pro usage, I've been creating some user documentation in OO Pro. I love the editing workflow in OO, but layout is proving tricky as inline images (screen shots and pdfLaTeX forumulas, for the most part) aren't resizable in OO.

Will I have to export the final document for final cleanup/layout? I hope not.

Dan Byler

Last edited by dbyler; 2007-05-25 at 02:45 PM..
Here's a hack I found for sizing screenshots. Not ideal, but it works:
  1. Create a custom paper size that works with your OO document. (I found 6" x 4" worked for my purposes.)
  2. Print your large image as a PDF in the new custom size. Keep your margins as small as possible. The PDF document will be high resolution but constrained to that paper size.
  3. Import into OmniOutliner. OO respects the PDF size, so this works well.
Incidentally, it also helps ensure uniformity among your images.

Dan Byler

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