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Visio Import Issues Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a Visio drawing that is supposed to look like this:
and it DOES look like that in Windows.

When I export this drawing to Visio XML and open that document in OmniGraffle Pro 4.1.2, it looks like this:

As you can see, the arc'd lines are messed up, the text blocks and their opaque white backgrounds are misplaced, and the shading of some objects is incorrect.

Is the Visio import quality going to be improved soon? These import errors are making Visio importing useless for me.
Might be fixed already in Graffle 4.2 beta 5, if not the curved lines problem will be addressed in OmniGraffle 5, where we'll have support for bezier lines.

I'd like to see the originating Visio file in any case.

"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Joel, I cannot post the original file but I can send you a copy. Could you send me a private message with the e-mail address to which I can send an example Visio file? Also, would you like the original Visio binary file for comparison, or just the Visio XML version?

EDIT: I sent you ( the file as part of the zip I sent for my other ( post.

Last edited by DarylF2; 2007-05-25 at 06:15 AM..
Originally Posted by Joel
Might be fixed already in Graffle 4.2 beta 5, if not the curved lines problem will be addressed in OmniGraffle 5, where we'll have support for bezier lines.

I'd like to see the originating Visio file in any case.

Oh my god, I nearly missed the OmniGraffle 5 reference!!!

Any word on when this will be released? Inquiring minds want to know! :)
I tried OmniGraffle Pro 4.2 Beta 5, but the arcs still looked funky. I guess I'll need to wait for OmniGraffle Pro 5.

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