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Feature Request: Viewing completed actions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sorry if I missed this some existing thread.

Currently completed actions show up in the all, flagged and completed filters.

I could see why some people could want to see completed actions while in the "all" filter but they definitely don't belong in the "flagged" filter. Personally, I would go one step further and say that completed actions should only be seen if you select the "completed" filter and not show up in "all" either.
I think that "remaining" = "all" - "completed", so that's the filter that will give you what you want for "all." I think it's handy to have both that and the true "all" filter options (e.g., when reviewing a project's overall progress).

As for the flagged issue, I'm more in agreement. (At least as I am trying to use it,) a flag seems to me like a metadata attachment to a task - more like, say, a start date - rather than a status of the task - like available, completed, etc. Philosophically and functionally I would much rather have "flagged" be a selector on the group and sort filters than on the status filter (as I've said elsewhere).
I noticed this today also and agree about how the "flagged" filter works.

I flagged some items I wanted to do yesterday. I did one or two and marked them completed. When I looked at the flagged items today (using the "flagged" filter), I expected to see only the remaining flagged items, but instead saw the completed ones as well.

It's not a big problem today, because there are only a few, but they will build up over time. I decided to work around the problem by removing the flag before I mark the action complete, but it would be nice not to have to take that extra step.
In your system, a completed flagged task has no usefulness. But flags are fairly flexible. Someone else might be using them in an entirely different way. Perhaps reviewing the things they did last week and flagging everything they did that cost money, to help them get control of their budget. In this scenario, it would be strange to them to not see completed flagged tasks when they filter for flagged tasks.

So I agree that one should be able to filter down to "flagged and not yet completed" tasks, but I don't think that should be the behavior of the "flagged" filter, as it overly restricts that feature.
Originally Posted by Lizard
In your system, a completed flagged task has no usefulness. But flags are fairly flexible. Someone else might be using them in an entirely different way. Perhaps reviewing the things they did last week and flagging everything they did that cost money, to help them get control of their budget. In this scenario, it would be strange to them to not see completed flagged tasks when they filter for flagged tasks.

So I agree that one should be able to filter down to "flagged and not yet completed" tasks, but I don't think that should be the behavior of the "flagged" filter, as it overly restricts that feature.
I think this points out the bigger problem. The 'flagged' filter setting is part of the 'task state' filter, which might make it seem like 'flagged' or 'not flagged' is somehow related to 'completed' or 'remaining' etc.

If flags are a completely different sort of beast (as suggested above), then they need another filter 'dimension' to work properly.

I know it is a slippery slope to having 20 filters on the filter ribbon, but if flags are independent of the next/avail/remain/completed state of the task, then they should have an independent filter.
Originally Posted by kmarkley
I think this points out the bigger problem. The 'flagged' filter setting is part of the 'task state' filter, which might make it seem like 'flagged' or 'not flagged' is somehow related to 'completed' or 'remaining' etc.

If flags are a completely different sort of beast (as suggested above), then they need another filter 'dimension' to work properly.

I know it is a slippery slope to having 20 filters on the filter ribbon, but if flags are independent of the next/avail/remain/completed state of the task, then they should have an independent filter.
I don't think that slope is too slippery. In fact, flagged status might be the only major thing missing from the filter ribbon. It would be outstanding to have a separate filter for 'flagged', 'not flagged', or 'any' with a little flag icon in its capsule (like the little checkbox and clock already there). 'Flagged' should also be one of the grouping and sorting criteria.

Add that and the ability to multi-select in the filter ribbon drop-downs (as suggested in another thread), and I'm in filter ribbon nerd-vana.


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