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Print context names to index cards Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Has anyone found a way to print contexts to index cards and keep their context names on the top?

This was easy in OmniOutliner: I could simply hoist one of my contexts, and use a Custom Paper size for my index card. The context name was conveniently printed at the top of the record.

When I try to do this in OmniFocus, I can get each context, but I can't get the context name to print to the top. Is there an easy fix for this?
A bulky workaround might be to use Curt Clifton's send to OmniOutliner script, "export view to omnioutliner" found here.

I'm interested to see what you come up with. My system breaks when I am away from a computer. I would like to view my "mobile" contexts and then have it print on an index card.

Would you print just the next actions or remaining actions?
This is exactly the use case for which I developed the script. I have an "Errands" perspective: context mode, group available actions by context, select Errands and Phone contexts. I switch to that context, run Export View to OmniOutliner, then handle printing from there.

(Actually I take it a step further. I drag the contents of the OO outline to OmniGraffle, where I have an index card template. Then I print from OG. One of these days I'll just write a script to create an OG index card directly from an OF view, but the term has started so that's a Pending project for now. With any luck, the OmniGurus will refine OF's printing capabilities by then.)

I'm still hoping our Fearless ninjas build this into OF's print engine.

Months ago we had discussed what printing features we wanted in OmniFu; selected actions to index cards was near the top of the collective list.

In the mean time, I'll check out Curt's method.

They're working on the Perspective Manager now. They still have to fully implement action coloring (for overdue and singleton actions). There was talk of light integration with OmniPlan. The autoupdater is far from done (still doesn't work for me). There are still bugs to squash and features that are being requested/debated on the forums (and likely in email feedback).

I'm sure the Omni coding ninjas have "Robust Print Support" in their incredibly long list of next actions. It just hasn't bubbled up to the top of the list yet.
Curt, would you be willing to share the OmniGraffle index card template or is it as simple as setting up the paper size to 4x6? If there is more on the card than than can fit on a 4x6, would it flow to a new page? Thanks, Steve
Originally Posted by steve View Post
Curt, would you be willing to share the OmniGraffle index card template or is it as simple as setting up the paper size to 4x6? If there is more on the card than than can fit on a 4x6, would it flow to a new page? Thanks, Steve
I set this up back in May 2005 when I was procrastinating on finishing my dissertation. (I wanted to use it to print tips on not procrastinating.) I don't remember much about how I finally got it to work right. It involves a Custom Paper Size in the Page Setup dialog, plus getting the Canvas settings right in OG. The driver for my printer will only go down to 4x6, but the printer will happily take 3x5 cards. So the canvas settings in OG include generous margins. It's also worth checking all your Print dialog settings to see if your printer has a card stock setting. includes my OG template and screen shots of my custom paper settings and canvas settings.


The procrastination story is funny. Why is it that OT projects are so much fun when you have tons of things to do?

I managed to setup the template in OG and it works well. Short of an applescript, is this the best workflow:

- focus on portable contexts
- export view to OO
- copy text in OO
- open index card template
- paste
- contract text box until it flows over multiple cards?

I never thought of using the OO-OG combo to print.

Originally Posted by steve View Post
I managed to setup the template in OG and it works well. Short of an applescript, is this the best workflow:

- focus on portable contexts
- export view to OO
- copy text in OO
- open index card template
- paste
- contract text box until it flows over multiple cards?
In the last step, I typically change the font size of the text to get the list onto a single card. I can usually do that with 10pt, which is readable to me on paper.


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