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Cannot add folder to Library Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
PB G4, Mac OS X 10.4.10, OF Build 94800:

I cannot add a folder to the Library. When I select the Library and choose "Add Folder" from the "Structure" menu nothing happens. I currently just have one folder inside the Library. If, on the other hand, I select that folder and try to add a folder within it it works. Then if I try to move that newly created folder up a level by dragging it to the Library icon to make it a sibling rather than a child of the sole existing folder, it disappears.

I haven't seen anything written about this, and I assume it is pretty basic functionality, so I am wondering if this is a bug or if I am missing a concept.
Is it possible that OF is focused on one folder? Then you would get the behavior you're reporting.

Just a thought.
That was a good thought, but no, I have all the filters in the perspective control set to be wide open: all projects, ungrouped, unsorted, etc. And I am testing this by ensuring no level of the project hierarchy is selected on the left so that all tasks from all projects are shown in the right.
Please forgive me if I'm telling you what you already know, but you didn't specifically mention that you checked whether the function is active which allows you to focus on just one project or folder. You could be focused without knowing it, even if no item is selected in the lefthand hierarchy.

So, if you haven't checked this, then look at the View menu. If you're focused, the 4th item will be "Show all projects". If that's the case, you can unfocus by choosing that item.
I don't have much to add to what eronel posted above, except to agree that it sounds like your window is focused on a particular folder. An easy way to check whether your window is focused is to check whether the window's title says "Focusing on [something]" rather than simply saying "OmniFocus".
This was the problem. I can't believe how boneheaded I was not to see that. After I clicked on the focus icon all my little folders reappeared. I guess the lesson for those of you helping out on this list is to never underestimate the intellect of the person posing the question.

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