In the early days of OmniWeb 5.5 sneaky peeks, I sent in this bug report:
Since I started using OmniWeb 5.5sp1, I've had a chronic problem with command-clicking a link to open the destination page in a background tab. This habit was very strongly set in earlier releases of OmniWeb.
Every once in a while (perhaps 1 of every 50 command-clicks), the new tab is selected, leaving the original tab outlined in blue. Here's a screen snippet of the tab drawer:

I have been unable to determine what makes this happens. It's never repeatable.
I think I may have found the trigger for this behavior. The page in the newly selected tab has a blocked pop-up window.
-- Ward
Since I started using OmniWeb 5.5sp1, I've had a chronic problem with command-clicking a link to open the destination page in a background tab. This habit was very strongly set in earlier releases of OmniWeb.
Every once in a while (perhaps 1 of every 50 command-clicks), the new tab is selected, leaving the original tab outlined in blue. Here's a screen snippet of the tab drawer:
I have been unable to determine what makes this happens. It's never repeatable.
I think I may have found the trigger for this behavior. The page in the newly selected tab has a blocked pop-up window.
-- Ward