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iPhone troubles viewing HTML file? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
'Morning all,
Saw something a little odd this morning. I exported a view that turned out to be an 81KB HTML file. Sent it via email, went to view it on the iPhone, but it was partially there (only about 10KB).

Anyone else seen this?

I haven't seen this issue myself, so I can't help much.

But out of curiosity, why export as HTML as opposed to saving as a PDF? Is there some advantage of using HTML?

I've been doing the same routine as you to get a read-only list on my iPhone, but I've always used PDFs instead.
I'd never thought about that, but I don't see that as a file type under export. Am I missing something?
Oh, sorry, you actually need to Print and then select "Save as PDF" under the PDF button/menu. BTW, you an do this with virtually any app in OS X. Quite handy.
Actually, playing around with HTML export vs. saving as PDF on my own, it looks like they're quite similar. Here are a few observations:

1) HTML export seems to always display the Note field, even if the Notes were collapsed in your OmniFocus window. Save as PDF, on the other hand, only displays the notes if those fields are being displayed in the OF window.

2) Save as PDF preserves action color-coding, where as HTML export shows all items in black.

3) Flags appear orange in HTML but black in PDFs.

4) Headers (such as context groupings) are more prominent in HTML with a gray background. In PDFs, only the text is printed.

5) PDFs display checkboxes next to the actions, HTML does not.

6) In my test, using my errands and shopping contexts, the HTML file came out as 12 KB while the PDF was 36 KB. Not a big deal for small lists, but might be a factor when doing your whole database.

7) Personally, I find the PDF slightly easier to read - something to do with spacing and color-coding, I think. Or maybe it has to do with the checkboxes acting like bullet points.
Awesome! I completely forgot you could do that! I like the PDF version better for the color coding (past due and next actions) and that it uses your own fonts.

I do wish it showed a gray divider between projects/lists, though. Thanks again!

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