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Feature request: automated HTML export to webdav Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
My only Mac is at home, but I'm using OmniFocus there and on my iPhone to manage my tasks at work. This means that if I forget my phone and don't bring it to the office, I don't have my tasks available. A read-only HTML view would be very useful to me in that case.

I'm already synchronizing with a webdav server. OmniFocus could write an HTML list of my current items when it synchronizes, and I'd be able to hit it from any web browser.

And ideally OmniFocus iPhone could do the same. I wouldn't mind having that file overwritten whenever either device syncs.
If someone wants to roll up their sleeves and write an AppleScript for this, there's no need to wait for Omni to implement it.

Well, at least for the mac to export. AppleScript isn't available on the iPhone. But if you don't have either device with you, there probably aren't a whole lot of updates on the phone that you're missing.
Here's the script I was using to get my perspectives onto my iDisk's public folder so I could view them from my iPhone before 1.1. You'll need a bit of editing. It also throws out a growl notification at the end.

tell application "Finder"
mount volume ¬
"[[Your Webdav]]" as user name "[[User]]" with password "[[pword]]"
end tell
tell application "OmniFocus" to tell default document
set perspective name of front document window to "Out & About"
save in "[[file path]]:out.html" as "HTML"
set perspective name of front document window to "At Home"
save in "[[file path]]:home.html" as "HTML"
end tell
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
set the allNotificationsList to ¬
{"OmniFocus Export Completed"}

set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
{"OmniFocus Export Completed"}
register as application ¬
"OmniFocus Export" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
icon of application "OmniFocus"

notify with name ¬
"OmniFocus Export Completed" title ¬
"OmniFocus Export Completed" description ¬
"Your action lists are available on .mac" application name "OmniFocus Export"

end tell

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