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Feature request: actions starting soon Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
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I'd like to have a way to see the actions "starting soon", or the ability sort actions by start date (and not just projects).

For me, it's very useful to know what will happen when I open OF "tomorrow", i.e. if I have a lot of tasks with a start date that is approaching. This way, at the end of the day, I can get ready for tomorrow without having to wait until midnight. Does this make sense? :-)
You can sort actions (or even group them) by start date in the Context view.
Originally Posted by stormy View Post
[also sent via Feedback]For me, it's very useful to know what will happen when I open OF "tomorrow", i.e. if I have a lot of tasks with a start date that is approaching. This way, at the end of the day, I can get ready for tomorrow without having to wait until midnight. Does this make sense? :-)
Not only does it make sense, many of us have set up a perspective for it.

In Context view, group and sort actions by start date, and set the action filter to either Available (if you just want to see things you can do) or Remaining (if you want to see things that you might not yet be able to do, but that you thought you ought to start then).

Collapse the sections for start dates in the past, and for start dates in the future that are too far ahead. I prefer to show actions whose start date is today, tomorrow, and in the next week.

Now save that view as a perspective. I call it my Tickler perspective. It's not my idea; I picked it up from Curt Clifton, a frequent contributor to this forum. It's the OmniFocus equivalent of the 43 folders of a traditional tickler file.

I put a button for this perspective on my toolbar. I like to scan it twice daily: first time in the morning to help me plan my time, and last thing in the day to prime me for the next day.
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
You can sort actions (or even group them) by start date in the Context view.
I keep trying to do things in Planning view that can only be done in Context view - sorry!

Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
Not only does it make sense, many of us have set up a perspective for it.
Excellent - just what I needed! I've set perspectives myself for Inbox, Next Actions, Waiting For and Review. With the Tickler, I have all I need now! :)
Hi guys,

I think that a default 43 folders (à la GTD) perspectives view or layout or GUI (you name it) would be wonderful.
I think that we need more "perspective view" examples by default in the menu. Like the one described in this post.
It would be handy, something that i expect when i buy software especially from Omni which is a company well knowed for the smartness of its sofwares. I agree that is nice to be able to set up a lot of stuff by myself, but i dont want to add a project within OmniFocus :
. learn it ASAP
. Setup it
. Use it finally...

My two cents, from a french guy, please forgive my crappy english.
But I have to say that the view bar isnt difficult at all to learn and use.

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