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Sequential projects w/ repeating actions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a way to have a sequential project with repeating actions (which have due dates) so that when I have my action filter set to "next action" the next action will appear upon checking off the first action.

Currently, when I check off the shows as being completed and moves to the next repeat date, but the next action in the sequence doesn't appear.
We must be on the same wavelength. I was just thinking about this in the last week. :-)

This could allow for some nice complication of repeating actions. A repeating action could be used as a window or a blocker for other actions following it.
I have this issue with repeating actions, as well. Marking a repeating action as complete generates the next iteration of the task directly below the completed task, automatically designating it as the next action. Currently, it seems the only way to perform bpwhistler's request involves multiple steps, but perhaps I'm missing something.
  1. In Planning Mode*, set the Status filter to Remaining.
  2. Select all tasks of the project in the main outline (right pane).
  3. Right click, and select “Sort” then “By Due Date” in the contextual menu. (You can also use Edit > Sort or manually sort by due date using drag and drop).
  4. Set the Status filter to Next Action.

*This doesn't work in Context Mode since next actions are dictated by the order of tasks set in Planning Mode. In Context Mode, with remaining actions shown, you can group by Project and sort by due date, but filtering for next actions will still show the first action in that project in the Planning mode.
You can get the effect that you may be looking for by using start dates. If you have some series of actions that you have to do periodically, you can put them in a parallel group, set start dates and a repeat and the next action will go down the list.

Alternatively, you can set the action group, itself, to repeat.
Lucas...that wouldn't really work for me. I have a series of "hum-drum" tasks that I need to get done every day. So let's say I have 4 sequential tasks in a project (1,2,3,4) and they are all due today. They are set to repeat on a daily basis. If the action filter is set to "next action" in the context view, only task 1 shows up initially (as is expected). But when you complete task 1, it shows up on the next day....but task 2 doesn't show up in the current day. I could set the filter to "remaining" but I have 4-5 of these sequential "hum-drum" projects with 4-5 tasks in each. These are generally "no-brainers" but if I miss them several days in a starts getting messy. So it's important I have them on my task list despite their brainless nature. But with ~20 of these tasks sitting in my screen, the "important" tasks regularly get lost in the mix.

I'm sure more technical users will suggest that using perspectives might make this more manageable...but I'm an old fart, and I'm lucky to use the most basic features.
Originally Posted by bpwhistler View Post
Lucas...that wouldn't really work for me. I have a series of "hum-drum" tasks that I need to get done every day. So let's say I have 4 sequential tasks in a project (1,2,3,4) and they are all due today. They are set to repeat on a daily basis. If the action filter is set to "next action" in the context view, only task 1 shows up initially (as is expected). But when you complete task 1, it shows up on the next day....but task 2 doesn't show up in the current day. I could set the filter to "remaining" but I have 4-5 of these sequential "hum-drum" projects with 4-5 tasks in each. These are generally "no-brainers" but if I miss them several days in a starts getting messy.
Put them in an action group, and set the action group itself to repeat daily, from the assigned date. You do have to be sure to check the action group off when all of the tasks are done or you won't get the repeat. Put a daily start date on the action group as well and tomorrow's actions will be hidden from sight until the start date/time arrives.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Put them in an action group, and set the action group itself to repeat daily, from the assigned date. You do have to be sure to check the action group off when all of the tasks are done or you won't get the repeat. Put a daily start date on the action group as well and tomorrow's actions will be hidden from sight until the start date/time arrives.
Thanks...this is almost exactly what I wanted. How do I get the action group itself to show up in context view when I've finished with all the children? Is there a setting somewhere that when I complete all of the children in an action group, that action group itself is completed? One of the reasons I use OF is because I'm extremely forgetful in my "old age." I can see myself forgetting to go look for all of the finished action groups in planning view, or missing one or two (I have a folder hierarchy in planning view that would make most wince) because I don't see them.
The alternative to repeating the entire action group is to: first, set the action group to parallel; second, put a start date on each of your actions (you can make it today); third, set the repetition to daily; fourth, in contexts mode, set the view to next actions.

Now, when you mark the first one off, the repetition won't block the next one being the next action until tomorrow.
Originally Posted by bpwhistler View Post
Thanks...this is almost exactly what I wanted. How do I get the action group itself to show up in context view when I've finished with all the children? Is there a setting somewhere that when I complete all of the children in an action group, that action group itself is completed? One of the reasons I use OF is because I'm extremely forgetful in my "old age." I can see myself forgetting to go look for all of the finished action groups in planning view, or missing one or two (I have a folder hierarchy in planning view that would make most wince) because I don't see them.
There's currently no way to do that, unfortunately. What I do now is to put a fake action at the end of the group that says "Don't forget to go back into planning mode and complete the entire group!" Yes, it's a horrible kludge.

This is something I've been harping about for a long time. I encourage anyone else who thinks that OF's behavior is broken in this regard to send official feedback asking for the behavior to change.

My suggestion: in a sequential project or group, when you complete a repeating action, the next iteration should be placed at the BOTTOM of the project or group. That would solve the whole problem, as far as I can tell.
Originally Posted by bpwhistler View Post
Is there a setting somewhere that when I complete all of the children in an action group, that action group itself is completed?
Here are two features which we're currently considering for 1.6:
  • <bug://bugs/40849> (Give action groups and projects the option to automatically complete when their actions are complete)
  • <bug://bugs/39498> (Add an inspector option to place a repeating action based on its date relative to its peers)

If you'd like to see these, please send your vote to our support ninjas at Thanks!

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