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Disappearing windows Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Occasionally using sp7, I've had entire windows with tabs disappear when closing one tab and usually crash soon thereafter. I use [topic=232]CocoaGestures[/topic] in OW to close windows (among other things), so I thought that might be the problem. But, after disabling it, having to always type ⌘W to close tabs, I still had the problem.

The last time it's happened to me, I don't even think I was closing a tab, which makes it even more strange. That time in particular, OW hung for a while and I had the chance to take a sample of the process. (I've sent it to OG through the "Send Feedback", since it seems that even with the sneaky peeks they want specific bug reports sent by email—please correct me, if I'm wrong in thinking this.)

Has anyone else had this happen? I tend to leave many windows with many tabs open at once, so it might be related to having lots of them.

(This was really why I went and did this.)
I believe Jon Hicks could have experienced something similar:

The crash always happens the same way. Closing tabs one after the other, it seems to crash around the third one.
Yes, upon restarting after the crash, the tabs don't come back. But it doesn't just happen to me when closing a bunch of tabs at once. In my clean testing account, I closed thirty tabs by holding down command+w, and it didn't crash.
I've heard back from Omni, and this is a bug related to the hidden OWOpenNewFramesInTabs pref; I had it on. Turning it off seems to make it stop happening. That said, I'm told they've fixed the bug for the next sneaky peek.

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