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Page Number, Row Numbering, etc. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
What am I missing something...I can't find how to:

1. Turn-on page numbering?
2. Turn-on row numbering like OmniOutliner?
3. Export to OmniOutliner?
4. Export to Word or Excel?

These seem like VERY, VERY basic functions. How can they be missing from OmniFocus? I feel very handicapped without them. Any idea when can I expect them to be added to the program?

Originally Posted by wpitman View Post
What am I missing something...I can't find how to:

1. Turn-on page numbering?
2. Turn-on row numbering like OmniOutliner?
3. Export to OmniOutliner?
4. Export to Word or Excel?

These seem like VERY, VERY basic functions. How can they be missing from OmniFocus? I feel very handicapped without them. Any idea when can I expect them to be added to the program?
Well, OmniFocus is not OmniOutliner, or even really an outliner. Why should it have row numbering or page numbering? I guess page numbering might be handy for printing, but other than that, it doesn't seem to really fit.

As for exporting, try Comma Separated Values (CSV) for sending to Excel.
For cross-reference, I have explained some of my concerns with export options here
I understand that OmniFocus is not OmniOutliner but for me, row and page numbering would be very beneficial. I use OmniFocus to coordinate team projects, manage team agendas, and project details -- OmniOutliner or OmniPlan cannot do it as well as OmniFocus. When going over projects with multiple people with a hardcopy in hand it would be much easier to reference a line number than saying half way down the page -- no not that one -- next page -- to say look at 3.1.1, or page 2, point 4.a makes much more sense. And besides -- much of the code is already written for OmniPlan -- how hard can it be to adapt. Using it as an individual, I also believe the row numbering would also be of great help helping me be more efficient -- which of course is the exact purpose of OmniFocus. Just because it doesn't do it doesn't mean that it's not a good idea to be able to turn on or off. I know it "may" not be pure GTD but it would help most people in the real world work better. Everyone I show OmniFocus to loves what it can do -- it's what it can't do that keeps some, not me, from trying this new product that has tremendous potential to be great product! I understand that more features will be added in new versions -- I would submit these would be great, if not essential, elements to add before OmniFocus can go from good to great!
@wpitman: OK, you've convinced me. ;-) Line numbering and page numbering do sound like nice additions, especially if you're using OF in a group environment and the numbering can be turned off by those who don't need it.

Have you sent in an official feature request via the Help->Send Feedback... menu item? That's the best way to get it on Omni's radar.
Listen to Toadling, wpitman. Export as CSV, and import into a spreadsheet of your choosing. That approach accomplishes exactly what you say that you want.

Yes. You have to go through the export process, but I would be doing that anyway as I would never be satisfied with submitting a status report based OF data. It is missing critical status reporting fields for starters . . . stuff that has no benefit or use in personal organizer (never mind one that is based on GTD principles).

That said, it would be insanely great if OF were extended to encompass workgroup task management; as long as it didn't lose focus on the personal GTD stuff.
Row numbering would only work if your "printout" was the same for everyone - because the data that is viewable is dynamic (it depends on whether or not you have marked actions as completed, your filter settings, what you have hoisted, what view you are using, etc.) just how beneficial would page and line numbering actually be in practice? I'm not convinced that it would be useful for anything other than a printout/PDF.

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