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global search? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I think this is my first post on this forum, so hi everyone ;)

The search in OF very powerful but a little frustrating for me at times.

It seems to default to searching the currently selected item in the left hand projects panel.

I would often prefer if there was a search everything mode so that the search would cover all my library items. Maybe there could be a way to do this within the existing interface with a special search keyword 'all'

Another issue is that search doesn't seem to find Project Folders either. For example i had a folder named 'Goals' with projects for each of my goals inside. I searched for Goals and found nothing! Took me a while to figure out what was going on...

Anyways, what do you people think? Is there something I can do to get what I want....? A quick shortcut to search all....? Less clicks is good... ;)

I think this has already been submitted as a feature request and is planned for a future release. In the mean time, you can select the Library folder in the sidebar to search the whole library. If you want to include items that are completed, dropped, etc., you can use one of the default perspectives to show everything (Perspectives -> All Items) and then do the search.

I'm all for making it easier to search across the entire database. But I also like being able to narrow my search down to a particular item in the sidebar. Sometimes that extra bit of control is very useful. So that capability should definitely *not* be removed.

As for search not working on folder names, I never actually noticed that. I've only got about a dozen folders, though, so it's just not that important to me.
i came here reseraching the exact same problem and am happy to realize that its not just me that has noticed this. i really hope this is included in future updated as it also took me a while to figure out what is going on.

i also independently discovered that the project folder names were not search since i use project folders quite extensively to organize subprojects with keywords that are not included in the project's name for ease of use and to avoid redundancy.

keep us posted on developments here.

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