Originally Posted by Drayon
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 OWOpenNewFramesInTabs -bool true
This does NOT work in the way I was asking and was linked to this thread.
Interesting. I just went back and read your post again. I then went through the steps posted here (and elsewhere in this forum regarding this issue) and it works just like you were requesting. It sounds like you may have some other settings which are interfering with this. Also note that this is a hidden pref for a reason:
Originally Posted by Len Case
There is an experimental hidden default (the mis-named OWOpenNewFramesInTabs) which should catch both window.open and target=_blank and make new tabs instead.
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 OWOpenNewFramesInTabs -bool true
This is not a public feature yet since all the bugs haven't been worked out. For instance it bypasses the popup-trap (if you use that option) and it may have other problems.
I just wish robots like "Forest" would stop getting sherty with us bringing this issue up an dismissing us and providing useless inappropriate comments and suggestions such as links to this thread which deals with a completely different issue.
Well, this setting works well for myself, and for many. No, it's not perfect, but it's perfectly useful and appropriate for the issue you're trying to solve. If you just want to send in bug reports and aren't asking for support or feedback from the forum users, just use the "Help> Send Feedback..." option from within OW.
Judging by results, and that being personal attacks, you're not sorry.
im just sick of having my time wasted trying all these useless work arounds when i know what im talking about doesn't work and i have to waste time re-iterating what was clearly mentioned in the first place.
There are several other threads on this. I have used this forum since its inception, so I have a bit of a memory as to what's here and what to search for. As a result, I know that in the other threads this has been mentioned (and search for "OWOpenNewFramesInTabs" to find them) the pattern has been that what you're asking for, is what this does... albeit with some quirks. I'm not expecting you to know all that, though it'd be nice if you searched a little more (but it seems you're strapped for time, just trying to find something that works without having to learn all about it, and I can understand that as well.)
I too find this feature a bit irritating. This and a few other issues have sent me back to 5.1.3 (that's what I'm posting with) until the 5.5.1 sp's come out.