Originally Posted by curt.clifton
I suspect you're running into the fact that items in the actual In Box in planning mode do not appear in context mode at all.
Until an item has been moved from the Inbox into a project (or single action list), OF assumes you have not committed to doing it. If you haven't committed to doing it, then OF sensibly (to it) doesn't offer the action as something for you to do.
(Calling the No Context item in the sidebar an "in box" is likely to be confusing. Come to think of it, that the No Context icon looks like an in box might be part of the problem here. Maybe it should be a question mark?)
I wondered if I was perhaps contributing to confusion by referring to the "No Context" container as an "inbox", but for better or for worse, it does seem to bear a pixel-to-pixel comparison to that thing labeled "Inbox" in project/planning mode!
I should have thought of the possibility that these items were still in the Inbox. I'll attempt to redeem myself by pointing out that the "No Context" container doesn't display a count of the contained items, only those that are due soon or overdue, depending on settings in the Data pane of the OmniFocus preferences. This is true of all sidebar containers.