Ok I need to ask which part of snap to grid do you not get?
AutoCad gets it, TurboCad gets it, VISIO gets it, Photoshop gets it, but no not Omnigraffle.
Because even after turning off all the attach modes on all the objects the damn line still doesn't snap to grid,... the program seems almost happy to use every second grid or sometimes third grid alignment unless there is something adjacent several gird spacings or more away that is!
This is driving me crazy a simple diagram shouldn't be this frustrating?
OmniGraffle 4.2.2 Please with a little effort this could seriously compete with VISIO
Please fix it,...
AutoCad gets it, TurboCad gets it, VISIO gets it, Photoshop gets it, but no not Omnigraffle.
Because even after turning off all the attach modes on all the objects the damn line still doesn't snap to grid,... the program seems almost happy to use every second grid or sometimes third grid alignment unless there is something adjacent several gird spacings or more away that is!
This is driving me crazy a simple diagram shouldn't be this frustrating?
OmniGraffle 4.2.2 Please with a little effort this could seriously compete with VISIO
Please fix it,...
Last edited by RobertKD; 2008-02-15 at 05:56 AM..