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A search language translation of the drop-down filter settings ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Am I alone in thinking that it might be useful to supplement the "drop-down" GUI view of the filter settings with a parallel search language (query language) version ?

I would like to be able to set the filter view either by drop-down controls or by query language editing, and I would like changes in either to automatically update the other ...

At the moment, I find that I am making more use of search language filtering than of the drop-down filters, and this is partly because I am not always confident that I fully understand what the formal definition of particular drop-down filter settings would really be (see another thread on the "stalled" filter, and its definition in the help file).

I would probably use the drop-down filters more if I could instantly read off a query language version of them ...

Equally, I suspect that learning a query language would be easier if it could be done by experimenting with drop-down controls, and seeing what the effect was on the corresponding query language clauses ...


Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-08-11 at 03:14 PM..

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