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multiple master canvases, new canvases Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi everybody,

I'm having a bit of trouble with multiple master canvases.

I add one master canvas, then add say 10 canvases to that (master canvas A, or MC-A. Then I create master canvas B (MC-B), in the hope of making more canvases that refer to B.

However, all new canvases I create from this point forward automatically default and refer to MC-A. I am unable to create canvases built from MC-B. Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance, loyal Omnithists!

New canvas creation takes whatever master the previous canvas was dependent on, so you could make your 10 canvases referring to MC-A, then make MC-B, make a new canvas (that would wind up referring to MC-A), drag MC-B to the new canvas, and then make many more.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Ahh, the old drag-n-drop. I always forget about that one.

Thanks a million Joel!

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