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Inserting project title Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've just bought a copy of OmniPlan so am new to the application. Please can someone tell me how I can insert a title into the Gantt chart I've just constructed. I want to give a copy to a potential client so it needs a title.
In the print dialog, select OmniPlan from the print options (where it normally says "Copies and Pages" or something similar). At that point you'll have control over whether or not a title, date, page number, and file name are printed above and below the main part of the printout, page layout, etc. The title is simply the name of the document. You'll also have the option to include or omit the outline portion of the document.
Thanks for your quick reply. I'd like to send the Gantt chart as a .pdf. I've been using the Export option for this and it has no ability that I can make out to include the project title. If I go to the Print dialogue box and use the .pdf button there, I get a .pdf document that is split over 4 pages. Even if I use Page Setup to set a document size of A3 it splits over two pages. So is there any way to shrink the chart to fit onto a single page?
Yes, the same facility I mentioned has settings for controlling how many pages the chart should use. Use Page Setup first to specify your paper size, then the OmniPlan print options to specify how many pages wide and how many pages high the result should occupy.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 3.png
Views:	1592
Size:	68.9 KB
ID:	1030  
Thanks, this is helpful. And is there any way of formatting the project title to make it a bit bigger and more emphatic?
I don't know of any way to do that. Use Help->Send Feedback to make a feature request (and get an answer from the support ninjas if there is a way to do it).
No way to do that now but we may add features to do this in the future. You could print to PDF without the title header and take the PDF into a graphic design application (OmniGraffle's a personal favorite of mine ;-) ) and add a more eye-catching title.

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