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Inbox and context drag and drop Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to assign contexts to inbox items by drag and drop before I assign them to projects? Context view doesn't include inbox items and I don't see how I can change that. This would make much more sense to my way of thinking.
A bit of a hack, but if you really like doing the drag and drop thing to set contexts and want to do it before assigning projects to your inbox items, you could do it this way:
  1. Select all the items in your inbox
  2. Type shift-G to turn them into a group, typing some readily spotted string as the group name
  3. Type cmd-[ to promote the group out of the Inbox to a project
  4. Click on that project in the sidebar to select it (it will be named what you typed above)
  5. Focus on that project
  6. Switch to context mode (cmd-2)
  7. Display context column, if not already doing so (View->Columns->Context)
  8. Sort by context, if not already doing so (View->Sorting->Context)
Now you can drag and drop those actions on contexts. When you are done assigning contexts, switch back to planning/project mode (cmd-1), show all projects (control-cmd-F) and drag and drop them on projects. Delete the temporary project you created when you've filed all the actions away.
Don't inbox items with no context show up in the "No Context" collection in context mode? Why not drag them to the desired context in the sidebar from there? I'm not in front of my Mac right now, but seems that should work.

Hey, so they do. Did that behavior change recently? I even tried it, but I didn't see the Inbox items that I was using as a test case in the No Contexts bin -- possibly they already had a context set. I often put the context on when I add the item, and only later get around to figuring out the project assignment.

Personally, I've got way too many contexts and projects for the drag and drop approach to be convenient -- the quick match stuff is much more convenient for me.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Hey, so they do. Did that behavior change recently?
I think it was a 1.8 SP addition but not sure.

Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Personally, I've got way too many contexts and projects for the drag and drop approach to be convenient -- the quick match stuff is much more convenient for me.
Yeah, same here. But it's nice to know the option exists.

That's an interesting idea - I've always just assigned the contexts by typing into the context cell for each action, but I can see how it would be handy to be able to do this via drag and drop.

Not currently possible, but I'll file a feature request on this; folks that want to see it added should email the support ninjas and they can vote this up. Thanks!

Edit: not currently possible in project mode, but yeah, possible in context mode. :-)
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Edit: not currently possible in project mode, but yeah, possible in context mode. :-)
What would you drag them to in project/planning mode? I guess there'd need to be some list of contexts to select your target from.

Just trying to imagine how this feature might look in project mode. :-)


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