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Creating a Stencil Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am endeavouring to create a stencil.

Essentially I have a set of PNG graphic images from the Open Security group site that I would like to import into a stencil so I can then use these objects to create security architectures.

So, as a new user I am a bit lost. I have imported the 50-60 PNG images into a stencil - initial import dumped them on a long diagonal line down the page one on top of another, I managed to sort them all into one horizontal line.

Is there a way that I can select them and automatically arrange them in some kind of grid that we can pick the desire object and place it into a diagram?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2012-11-27 at 10.51.35 AM.png
Views:	1020
Size:	133.0 KB
ID:	2653  
Command click on your stencil and select Edit Stencil from the shortcut menu.
The stencil should then appear exactly like an Omnigraffle file. You can then drag the objects around and use the align tools to layout them out whatever way you want. Save and close your file when done. Your stencil in the Stencil Library should update to the new layout.

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